热键,快捷键(按下后可迅速进行一系列操作) a key on a computer keyboard that you can press to perform a set of operations quickly, rather than having to press a number of different keys
N-COUNT (计算机键盘上的)热键,快捷键 A hot key is a key, or a combination of keys, on a computer keyboard that you can press in order to make something happen, without having to type the full instructions.
All macros can be set to run when a hot key is pressed. 所有宏的运行都可以设定为热键操作。
All macros can be set to run when a hot key is pressed. 所有宏的运行都可以设定为热键操作。
( note: screen saver enabled by hot key cant end automatically) (注:热键运行的屏幕保护不会自动结束)
The hot die forming and key technology of hydro-turbine blade have been introduced with discussion about the numerical simulation application in hydro-turbine blade hot die forming. 介绍了水轮机叶片热模压成形及其关键技术,并探讨了数值模拟技术在水轮机叶片热模压成形中的应用。
Hot key is not registered. 没有注册热键。
Such a code window can be hidden and then recalled through a hot key. 该代码窗口可被隐藏和通过按动热键重现。
Changed Fuel Synthesizer's Hot key to E. 改进燃料合成器快捷键为“E”。
The hot key processing can be paused and resumed at runtime with Pause and Resume methods or with the Active property. 炎热的关键加工,可暂停和恢复,在运行时与暂停和恢复方法,还是与积极财产。
Press a hot key, and a circular launcher appears all around your cursor. 按下一个热键,并通告,发射器,似乎所有靠近您的光标。
The paper industry is an important industry in national economy, but its industrial effluents, water pollution and ecology destructiveness have always been the hot issue and key point of research which puzzles the paper industries in various countries and the environmental world for many years. 造纸工业是国民经济重要的产业,但造纸工业废水排放量大,水污染严重,生态破坏性大,多年来一直是困扰世界各国造纸工业和环境界的热门话题和研究的重点。
The driving factors of land use is one of the hot and key component of land use and cover change research ( LUCC). 土地利用变化的驱动要素研究是当前土地利用/土地覆盖变化(LUCC)研究的热点和关键问题之一。
TSR program is a kind of program which can reside in memory, and can be activated by using a hot key. TSR程序是一种驻留在内存,可用热键在任何状态下将其激活的程序。
Innovative banking products for financial innovation active component, which is to provide comprehensive financial services and to maintain vitality, fast, efficient service based commercial bank competition is hot and key. 银行产品创新金融创新中作活跃的组成部分之一,它是金融服务业保持活力和提供全面、快捷、高效服务的基础,是商业银行竞争的热点和关键。
It also has friendly user-computer interface such as the application programs of Windows and has frame based on the pull-down menus of Chinese character, pop-out window, mouse, hot key and so on. 它还具有如Windows应用程序的友好用户界面,以下拉式菜单和弹出式窗体为基本框架,具有鼠标支持、热键等功能。
This paper introduces three ways to design interrupt program in microprocessors, loop crippled wait interrupt, external hardware interrupt synchronizes with software system, interrupt taking over and hot key technique. 给出了微机采用中断传送方式编写程序的三种方法:循环踏步等待中断、外部硬件中断与软件系统同步、中断接管和热键技术。
After the hot topics of key competing ability and learning team, execution becomes popular as one management concept. 在核心竞争力、学习型组织之后,执行又成为管理界普遍关注的话题。
Dynamic interactions of sea ice with offshore structures, ice-induced vibrations and ice loads identification, are still the hot and key problems in ice engineering. 海冰-结构的动力相互作用、冰激振动及冰载荷的识别问题,仍是目前工程海冰界的核心和热点问题。
Programming Techniques for Hot Key Action in FoxPRO FoxPRO中热键响应程序设计技术
3D-GIS used in mining industry is a hot and key point for geological information. 3D-GIS, covered visualization and interpolation of geological body, can be applied in visualization of geology. 矿业三维GIS是地质矿业信息化的研究重点和热点,是科学计算可视化在地质上的应用,它涵盖地质体的三维可视化、体空间插值等领域。
Regional economic cooperation now is the current of world economy development, and sub regional economic cooperation with neighboring countries and regions is hot topic and key point. 区域经济合作是当今世界经济发展潮流,而地理上相邻的国家和地区开展次区域经济合作是当前区域经济合作的热点和重点。
After China's accession to WTO, the question about how to fulfill the obligation of Tariff Concession has become the hot topic and the key point in the discussion in academic circles and in judicial practice. 入世后,我国如何履行关税减让义务的问题已成为理论界和司法实践中讨论的热点和重点。
At present, the sustainable development problem of commercial banks and small-medium enterprises has been a hot point and key question of common interest in the field of finance and economic. 因此,商业银行与中小企业的可持续发展成为当前我国金融经济界共同关注的热点问题和重点问题。
Cardiac function and myocardial energy metabolism, and adaptive changes of myocardial energy metabolism is the focus of sports scientific research, is in the study of energy metabolism of myocardial cells mitochondria of hot spots and key points. 心脏机能与心肌的能量代谢密切相关,心肌能量代谢适应性变化是运动科学研究的重点,而心肌细胞线粒体又是能量代谢研究中的热点和关键点。
The second language vocabulary study since 1970s had gradually become the hot and key points. 二语词汇习得研究自20世纪70年代以来就逐渐成为二语习得研究的热点和重点课题。
In this background, based the research of the intelligent terminal and network has become a hot spot and a key. 在此背景下,基于智能终端和无线网络的应用研发已经成为当前的一个研究热点和重点。
The automation and intelligence of image processing and analysis is a hot and key problem in the filed of image processing and analysis. 图像处理和分析的智能化和自动化一直是图像处理学科研究热点之一,也是一个急待解决的关键问题。
Therefore, the hot spot and key of the academic circle research is related on economic development. 因此有关经济发展的问题是学术界研究的热点和重点。
Computation and analysis of power transformer on eddy current field and hot question is key problem in the power transformer design and computational process. 电力变压器涡流场及热问题的计算与分析是电力变压器设计与计算过程中的关键问题。
Therefore, selection and development of extraction technology with environment-friendly, low cost, high degree of technological maturity, has been a research hot spot and the key to success. 因此,选择和开发绿色环保、低成本、技术成熟度高的提取技术一直是人们研究的热点和关键所在。
Through small-scale depth interviews, analysis of each stage of the main tasks of family and consumer hot key, and then design the questionnaire, based on interviews examine whether the results of interviews with the universal and representative. 通过小规模深度访谈,分析每个阶段的家庭的主要任务和消费热点重点,再根据访谈结果设计调查问卷考察深度访谈的结果是否具有普遍性和代表性。